Divina Umbria - Spoleto (Italy)   (+39) 0743 596255


Disclosure pursuant of Regulation EU 2016/679 for the protection of personal data
The website www.divinaumbria.it it is owned by the company Corrente Grazia - VAT: IT06763200489, Data controller.
The data provided in the form "Information request" and any other email, are needed for provide technical and commercial information on our products, as well as to conclude and invoice the purchase operations by the customer.
All data will be treated in accordance with legal requirements for the purposes described above, and never given to third parties. However, the articles from 15 to 22, of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, gives the specific right, exercisable at any time, to obtain the updating, correction or deletion of data from the archive.
Anyone intending to use this right can send us a message as "Protection of personal data" via e-mail to info@divinaumbria.it


Cookies (D.Lgs. 69/2012 - 70/2012)
Cookies are small text codes stored on your computer when you visit some pages on the web.
In all the main pages of informative navigation - www.divinaumbria.it - there are no cookies of any kind, including technical or third-party cookies.
However, only when the customer decides to purchase products online through our e-commerce area, it's need that the cookies are accepted: these are not harmful to the computer, tablet or smartphone and do not store identifying information such as credit card details.
This data is used exclusively to improve navigation and allow authentication to complete the purchase.