Divina Umbria - Spoleto (Italy)   (+39) 0743 596255

Historical costumes

Historical costumes

We specialize in tailoring of historical costumes, medieval and period clothes; clothing for historical re-enactments and religious events.
Biblical Customs from the Ancient Jewish Period, at the time of the Exodus and the birth of Christianity: among which stand out the Patriarchs Noah and Moses.
Unique dresses from Italian craftsmanship and quality, for the characters of the Nativity and the Passion of Christ: the Holy Family, Herod, the Pious Women, the Apostles; Caiaphas and the Sanhedrin Priests; the Temple Guards and the Roman soldiers; Pontius Pilate.

Our tailoring Costumi di Scena® realizes, for over 20 years, the clothes for the protagonists and the people of the time, used in the religious manifestations and processions of the Nativity, The Way of the Cross and events in general, in Italy and worldwide.